Spring Fever Farm is a quiet, private classical dressage facility in Mt. Airy, Maryland that specializes in the lovely Spanish Andalusian horses, offers full care boarding, training and lessons. Diana is also an Alternative Healer and Animal Communicator.
Plumbing Contractors The Owner of J. & S Plumbing Llc is Janes Ruppert Business classifications
SIC (US 1987) : Our beautiful Chico, aged 22, and Paco, aged 23, were honored to be selected to be in Taylor Swift's music video, "Blank Space", shot on Long Island on Sept. 11, 2014. Chico fell in love with Taylor and the whole experience was a blast!
No, she didn't actually *stand* on Chico's back! This scene was created through a miracle of technology. The horses' comfort and happiness were always a top priority on the set.
Taylor's personal kitty, Olivia Benson, was dubious of Chico at first and the feeling was mutual! They accepted each other, from afar, after a few minutes.
Livestock The Owner of Anderson Livestock Llc is Jeffrey Anderson
Don't forget that the most detailed information about J & S Plumbing in Pierce you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone ↓
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